
Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation

  A Fork In The Road: Literalized. Links: Traffic Light:| Thing files for Nodemcu ESP8266 Traffic Light by Alex_Thunder - Thingiverse Fork: Fork, Knife & Spoon by hacklabnobo - Thingiverse Car: Thing files for la FabShop Mobile by LeFabShop - Thingiverse Coffee Ship :  Here I am playing with scale... is this a tiny freight ship?  Or a gigantic coffee? Links: Water Ripple: Thing files for Ripple Vases (Cube) by DaveMakesStuff - Thingiverse Ship: Thing files for 1/1250 Medium Freighter Collection by cg111 - Thingiverse Cup: Thing files for Coffee Mug by codemanusa - Thingiverse

My first model in Rhinoceros: A CASTLE!

These are words. I FOUND MORE WORDS HERE . I was surprised at how complex I could make my castle while knowing so few commands!  However, I could not get revolve to work properly so I gave up for now and just did an extrusion. When I tried to revolve, Rhino gave me a message saying "You may be creating self-intersecting geometry".